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Dojo Etiquette & Rules

The full list of Wadokai etiquette and rules are in our Student Handbook

1. Stepping on & off the mat: remove your shoes before stepping on the mat, but do not walk around the gym without shoes on. For Aikido class, bow to the shomen (front of the mat where O'Sensei's picture will be) when you come on and off the mat.

2. Addressing others: Instructors should always be addressed as Sensei or Shihan according to their titles. We use last names in our system, such as "Golden Shihan". 


3. Uniform:  Wear a clean gi and observe good hygeine. At any of our organization's seminars you must have a white gi without patches. Take out any jewelry before class (rings, earrings, watches, necklaces, etc). Finally, please keep cuts wrapped up and nails trimmed to avoid injuries. 

4. Lining up: When the sensei claps, everyone should immediately stop what they are doing and sit in seiza (legs folded beneath you). At the beginning or end of class the clap indicates lining up in rank order, lowest on the left to highest on the right, to bow in/out. During class the clap means to sit and pay attention to sensei.

5. Bowing: A sitting bow starts in seiza, place your left then right hand on the mat in front of you and lower your forehead to your hands. From standing, keep your hands by your side and bend forward with your back straight while looking down. (Different schools and arts have different methods of bowing, this is what we do in Wadokai Aikido). 

6. Acceptable sitting/standing: Sitting in seiza is the most formal way to sit in Aikido - this means sitting with your legs folded underneath you and knees on the mat in front of you. Your back should be straight and hands palm down on your thighs. If seiza is uncomfortable, it is also acceptable to sit cross-legged or with your knees up and ankles crossed. Knees up and ankles uncrossed, extending your legs forward, and laying down are not acceptable. Never cross your arms or put your hands on your hips, as this is considered a challenge. Keep your arms to your side or hands together in front or behind you. 

7. Practicing with a partner: To ask someone to practice we say "onegaishimasu" and bow. When you finish working out say "domo arigato gozaimasu" and bow. Sometimes your partner will give you a friendly hug at the end of practicing the technique - this is common in our style of Aikido especially when our affiliated dojos around the country get together to train. 


8. Injuries: Tell the sensei and your partners each time you practice if you have an injury. This is so your partner can avoid that area. Be respectful of your partner's limitations. 


9. Lateness: If you are late and class has already started, stay at the back of the mat until you are asked to join by the sensei. "Dozo" means please, and is how we say come on the mat and join class. Stretch and warm up on your own while waiting.


10. Leaving early: Tell the instructor before you leave instead of sneaking out, so that we don't worry if something happened to you. Similarly if you're going to be away from training for a long period of time (weeks or months), let instructors know. You will be welcome back, but this helps us keep the dojo running smoothly. 


11. Sickness: Please don't come to the gym if you are sick - we hope you feel better, but don't want to spread sickness around! 


12. Membership: The instructor reserves the right to terminate your membership without refund at any time at their sole discretion. Reasons might include poor attitude, distracting, dangerous or inappropriate behavior in class or at related functions. 


13. Sexual harassment & discrimination: sexual harassment will not be tolerated by any student or instructor. That includes inappropriate comments, gestures or unwanted physical contact. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. Treat all members of the organization and guests with proper respect, courtesy, and consideration. 


14. Other inappropriate behavior: profanity, boisterousness, disturbances, eating or chewing gum during class, smoking, alcohol or drug use anywhere at the gym. 


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